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BabyBjorn - badania nacisku na genitalia dziecka

Lekarze-specjaliści o nacisku na genitalia 


W jaki sposób BabyBjörn sprawdza, czy dzieci noszone w nosidełkach BabyBjörn nie są narażone na szkodliwy nacisk na genitalia?  

Child safety is our top priority when we're designing new baby carriers. We work with medical experts, midwives and test families to guarantee that we meet our very high safety standards. 
One important stage in the process is checking the sitting pressure on a child carried in a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier. We have taken pressure measurements in consultation with Dr Ragnar Olegård (PhD and Associate Professor; former head of the paediatric clinic in Mölndal and former head of neonatal care at the Queen Silvia Children's Hospital at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg), to make sure that the child is not exposed to dangerous or uncomfortable pressure on the genitals. These measurements are conducted in collaboration with Swerea IVF   - Swedish Research, in their test laboratories. 
In order to investigate the sitting pressure, a pressure mat is placed in the carrier, which the child then sits on. This provides us with answers as to where the pressure is greatest and whether or not it is at a harmful level. We carry out tests with children weighing less than and more than the maximum permitted weight for the carrier. 
The results clearly indicate that the child's weight is on the sitting bones (2) and (3) and over the child's back or torso (4, depending on whether the child sits facing outwards or inwards). The pressure on the child's back or torso is due to the carrier's function of supporting and lifting the child upwards. Our research shows that the resulting sitting pressure is within the boundaries of what we call a good comfort pressure. The pressure on the genitals is neither harmful nor uncomfortable. We have carried out these investigations on all BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier models. 
Explanation of the image below
The image shows the pressure mat that is placed under the child in the carrier, which the child sits on to show the pressure points that arise. Yellow and red colours indicate higher pressure in relation to the lower. The measurement was conducted at the end of December 2010, using a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle. During the evaluation, all the straps on the carrier were tightened and it was adjusted to the correct position for the child. 
The child participating in the pressure measurement was:
A boy.
19 months old.
The child was facing outwards.
1 Area around the genitals and the area that the measurement is primarily focused on. 
2 Right sitting bone 
3 Left sitting bone 
4 Child's back

Bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie dzieci to najważniejsze wartości brane pod uwagę przy projektowaniu nowych nosidełek BabyBjörn. Z tego właśnie powodu BabyBjörn współpracuje z pediatrami, położnymi i rodzinami testującymi nosidełka BabyBjörn przed ich wprowadzeniem do sprzedaży. Ma to zagwarantować, że każde nosidełko BabyBjörn spełnia najwyższe standardy bezpieczeństwa.

Ważnym etapem tego procesu jest kontrola nacisku jakiemu podlega dziecko noszone w nosidełku BabyBjörn. BabyBjörn

One important stage in the process is checking the sitting pressure on a child carried in a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier. We have taken pressure measurements in consultation with Dr Ragnar Olegård (PhD and Associate Professor; former head of the paediatric clinic in Mölndal and former head of neonatal care at the Queen Silvia Children's Hospital at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg), to make sure that the child is not exposed to dangerous or uncomfortable pressure on the genitals. These measurements are conducted in collaboration with Swerea IVF - Swedish Research, in their test laboratories. 

In order to investigate the sitting pressure, a pressure mat is placed in the carrier, which the child then sits on. This provides us with answers as to where the pressure is greatest and whether or not it is at a harmful level. We carry out tests with children weighing less than and more than the maximum permitted weight for the carrier. 

The results clearly indicate that the child's weight is on the sitting bones (2) and (3) and over the child's back or torso (4, depending on whether the child sits facing outwards or inwards). The pressure on the child's back or torso is due to the carrier's function of supporting and lifting the child upwards. Our research shows that the resulting sitting pressure is within the boundaries of what we call a good comfort pressure. The pressure on the genitals is neither harmful nor uncomfortable. We have carried out these investigations on all BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier models. 

Explanation of the image below
The image shows the pressure mat that is placed under the child in the carrier, which the child sits on to show the pressure points that arise. Yellow and red colours indicate higher pressure in relation to the lower. The measurement was conducted at the end of December 2010, using a BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle. During the evaluation, all the straps on the carrier were tightened and it was adjusted to the correct position for the child. 

The child participating in the pressure measurement was:
A boy.
19 months old.
The child was facing outwards.

1 Area around the genitals and the area that the measurement is primarily focused on. 
2 Right sitting bone 
3 Left sitting bone 
4 Child's back

Nacisk na genitalia w nosidelku BabyBjorn
